About Us

I believe that every child wants to be a good kid


I’m Allan Marshall, the kids know me as Mr. Marshall. With over 40 years of experience in education, I firmly believe every child has the potential to learn at an accelerated pace, given the right support.

Throughout my extensive career, I’ve worn different hats – from classroom teacher to principal. My mantra has always been “Do what’s best for the kids” and in turn empowering teachers to do the same.

Often referred to as a “kid whisperer,” I possess a unique ability to connect with students, whether it’s making lessons more accessible or inspiring them to believe in their capabilities. While my main experience lies in primary and middle school education, I’ve also achieved success as a high school principal in Morocco.

Whether your child is a high achiever or facing challenges, I can help them succeed. Take the first step by scheduling a free consultation. Let’s unlock your child’s potential together.

Best regards,
Mr. Marshall

Ready to get started?

FREE Pack of comprehensive MATH Tests

Cover Math Assessments

Have you ever wondered how good your child actually is in math? This pack of comprehensive math tests will enable you to pinpoint exactly what your child knows and what their next steps should be.